About Velvety Crema

About Velvety Crema

No, I'm not a coffee person. But I do love that velvety texture of creamy foods and drinks, including red velvet cake and frothy coffee. And since people call me 'Ema', I guess 'Velvety Crema' would be a lovely name for a food blog.

Velvety Crema is a food blog that is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was initially started on June 2010 as a medium to put my random-but-formal writings in, but then I decided to revamp this into an active food blog on January 2015. I mostly write about restaurant reviews here, but I sometimes write about any other food stuffs, recipes, travel stories, and a bit journalism too.

What makes this blog different from the other is I put halal information on the end of the review. If you see 'Muslim-friendly' information on my writings, that means the foods and drinks served by the restaurant have minimum haram risk, or maybe totally halal yet not yet officially declared by Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

I will also try to be honest with my writings and state whether I review with my own expense ("Review: ...") or by invitation ("Invited: ...") to avoid any bias.

About The Writer

I'm Fitria Rahmadianti, but mostly known as Ema. I found my passion in food when I was deciding the subject for my final assignment in college and -- thank God -- I was given a chance to be a professional food writer in a no. 1 online media in Indonesia afterwards. I worked with MUI to write about halal section at that time.

After 3+ years of being paid to eat, I decided to broaden my knowledge by working in a different industry. Yet, passion is passion, so I try to keep my inner-foodie fulfilled by writing about food etc. in this blog. I'm planning to be a full-time professional food blogger someday. Wish me luck!

In The Media

March, 31st 2015
"Perlukah Menulis Review Buruk untuk Restoran?"

  • (Blogger) Winner of  Writing Competition, The Opening of Kamiya Restaurant at JS Luwansa, March 2015
Contact Me

To contact me please send email to fitria.rahmadianti@gmail.com
You can also check my Instagram: @velvetycrema


Seluruh blogpost yang terdapat dalam blog ini adalah murni karya saya, kecuali yang saya nyatakan sebagai milik pihak lain. Saya selalu mencantumkan sumber tulisan atau foto jika saya menampilkan karya pihak lain.

Anda boleh mengopi tulisan atau menggunakan foto yang ada di blog ini selama Anda mencantumkan link tulisan dan foto tersebut dengan jelas. Jika tidak, berarti Anda telah melakukan plagiarisme yang sanksinya diatur oleh Undang-undang yang berlaku.

Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Fitria Rahmadianti (Ema)